I usually don't really post personal things here, but I thought you would get a good laugh out of this.
(bet you're wondering why this photo of mismatched shoes????? read on)
It just proves that too much of an adicition My Digital World really is. Wed night I stayed up WAY too late, 3am knowing that I had tons to do to prepare to the family Thanksgiving Dinner/Birthday Party for two my grandsons. A trip to Walmart early in the morning to get the birthday gifts I hadn't purchased yet and a couple of thing for our dinner...(didn't want to go fight the day before a holiday crowd after work) besides I wanted to get my new kit finished...LOL. I crawled out of bed around 7am and threw on my clothes and thought, there won't be anyone at Walmart this early on Thanksgiving. WELL, sleepy eyed and no coffee, I got my SHOES on and left for the store. And DIDN'T realize until I got home, prepare the things for our dinner, packed everything up to go to our hosts house, my daughter Jessica, went to the door to get my SHOES on to go....I REALLY WEAR ONE Black and ONE Brown shoe to Walmart that morning. AND yes the store had LOTS of last minute people in it. If someone noticed, they didn't say....but I died laughing. And I hope you all realize that I am truly ADDICTED to My Digital World!
I bet know one even noticed and even if they did they got a little chuckle to start the day...I chuckled reading it. Thank you :)
ROFL!!! Girlfriend, I could guess just by looking at the photo what had happened and I agree with Sharon - IF anyone DID notice, they surely were SMILING on the INSIDE and OUT!!!
Glad you had such a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving with the kiddos! Yes, it was SO nice having a couple of days ALONE!!!
CONGRATULATIONS again on your new adventure at SCRAPGARDEN!!! You will have your store FULL-UP in NO time!
LOVE your FREEBIES and the OLD-FASHIONED Santa is just the COOLEST! AWESOME job darlin' ... YES ... you are STILL rockin' mamacita!!!
Love and hugs,
Oh my gosh! That's too funny! I agree, they probably never noticed with all the crazy shopping going on! Thanks for the chuckle. :o)
Too funny!! LOL!!
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