12 Days of Christmas Quick Pages
Day 3
Day 3 (link has been removed)
Here is you Day 3 Quick Page to my 12 days before of Christmas. For those of you who tried to download Day 2 this morning before I got the first email that the link was private, I am going to leave Days 2 up until tomorrow. I am so sorry, was very tired when I posted it and forgot to go to that server and remove the private off of it. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and your doing something for yourself as well as getting everything ready for others. Until tomorrow....happy downloading.
Just a reminder to post your finished quick page layout here at
Digital Scrap Garden
(click on the blink)
Another VERY "cool" quickpage girlfriend!!! I shall try to get one up this weekend. Not SO sure I can fill all the blanks, but I shall try!!! Have a SPLENDERIFIC weekend! We're finally getting our tree and doing some shopping tomorrow evening - WHOOPEE!!! I'm POOPED!
Will be back later to try again it keeps coming up can not be found I've tried several times in IE so will try again later!!
Proably just being stubborn!!! LOL
But its a beautiful page & I sure dion't want to miss it!
Back again & was able to get your AWESOME QP!!!!!
Its adorable with the penquins!!!!
TY so very much!!!!!!!!!
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