
Sunday, December 16, 2007

12 Days Before Christmas

Freebie - Day 5

It has been a busy weekend getting ready for the holidays and I know that you all have your last minute things "To Do List" out and working away at making that list and checking it twice...LOL. Anyway, Here is your freeibie Day 5 of my 12 Days Before Christmas Quick Page(link has been removes). And a special Blog Coupon for you. I am offering 50% off my Winter/Christmas kits from now til Christmas Day. This coupon is for all of you that has stopped by for the Quick Pages, so please do not share it with anyone unless you are sending them to my blog. Here is the link to My Store at Digital Scrap Garden. You may use the coupon code on any or all of my 5 kits in my store. Thank you for all your support and have a Great Week...Until tomorrow.


nancypinct said...

Very pretty page! Thank you for this very nice gift!

Sharon aka Scrapcat4914 said...

TY so very much for todays AWESOME QP!!!!!!!!