FREEBIES for tonight, New ARRIVAL
Green numbers and Frames
with an added bonus, 2 torn borders
Hi gals, I am posting the green numbers and frames for you Green part of New Arrival. Well I have one more part to this and then I guess we will start the Blue and Pink Parts. As you are scrapping with these, Please let me know wht we are missing for putting a baby album together. You can leave and requests when you comments here or on 4share. I do check them both pretty regular incase someone is havig trouble with a link. I will also remember to look on my side panel to see if my email address is there incase you need to request something or report a bad link.I posted the bonus part of the Fathers Memories through pm's on Digital Scrap Garden this evening, thank you gals for posting my Freebie Quick Page I posted here. You can still grab it here and post it here if you would like to recieve the posting bonus to Father's Memories. You all have an AWESOME Friday and an even better weekend. We'll see what I come up with for tomorrow for YOU! Hugs to all!
Thanks for your sweet generosity! This kit is so cute and I cannot wait to use it to scrap my granddaughter that is due in July! Love the green alpha and frames!!!
Thank you for another part to this beautiful baby collection - love the circular mats!!
Hi Dawn, thanks for visiting my blog, looks like you have been making some nice designs yourself. I hope you will have a good weekend yourself!
TY so very much for another AWESOME set of elements!!!!!
TY also for the FANTASTIC Fathers Day QP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This kit is soooo cute! Thanks for the green elements. I can't wait for the newborn to come around in August (it seems like forever!)
How nice of you to keep sending us more goodies. You are so generous. I love your designs! Thank you for this very nice gift!
I'm loving this kit! Thank you so much for sharing.
Dawn, this kit is beautiful! Beautiful colors, beautiful work.
Thank you!
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