Freebies found....I have been cleaning House!!!
Look what I found...I have been doing some desk top cleaning and I found a really nice 12x12 set of Quick pages for you. So I thought it would be fun to have a challenge this month. And for playing along you will receive a a 18 page BragBook from this same collection.

Bonus 18 page Brad Book for doing the whole challenge
There is a two parts to this challenge and You will have until the end of the month to to email me your information.
July 3 through July 31, 2008First Part
1. Use 3 of the 5 12x12 QPs pages below with photos from your favorite vacation. Please make sure you journal some place on your layout the City, State and/or Country with date. The year if you don't remember the full date.
2. Post them in any gallery you usually post in and email the links (email at the end of the challenge) so I can go give it some lovin and see what your favorite vacation was.
3.Purchase one of the Mother Earth Collection scrap kits from any one of my stores, send me the purchase date (which must be between July 3 and July 31) the name of the kit along with the order number in your email with the links and YOU will receive the whole 18 Page Bragbook. Add July Blog Challenge in the subject line of your email, please. I don't want to miss anyones email.
PS. Please feel free to download the 12 x 12 Quick Pages even though you may not what to do my challenge!
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 03 Jul [LA 02:19am, NY 04:19am, UK 09:19am, OZ 07:19pm]).
What is the posting gift for Challenge 1? I may be able to do this one. I do have some photos from a vacation we took some time ago.
Thank you for sharing these lovely quick pages!!
Awesome QPs!!! I just had to snag 'em! Thank you!!
Question regarding the challenge though: I've never been on a vacation... can I use "scans" of places I'd like to go? Here I am almost 50 years old and never travelled... how sad, LOL.
These are great quick pages. Thank you for this very nice gift!
Mornin' girlfriend and Happy 4th of July sweetie!!! I know you will be having a GOOD time with the grands, I hope, so when you happen to pop in here, please visit my blog and pick up your award!!!
Love you,
Linda :)
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