Your Freebie and Linda's Suprise Album....
HI gals....Just a few words and then I am off to bed. It has been a long day! Xanders Photo shot went well...once he warmed up to the gal, he was smiling away. A little slowing, but was very please with how she spent the time to get some good shots. It was the first time we have tried Target Photo Center. We usually go to Walmart. Our appointment was at 11:45 and we didn't leave until 1:15 where at Walmart they run you in ans out in about 20 minutes. I can't wait to get them.

Here is the preview of the Train Album SURPRISE Hybrid album I made Linda. She has been so busy getting ready for her daughters visit and other things on her list, I finally asked her to please look through the CD so that I could show you before it had was totally forgotten. I purchased the templates from Michelle Filo aka Mushy from Little Dreamer Designs and had asked for permission to buy a CU license so I could make a few to sell, but she said the gals on her site frown on CU, so all I can do is share the cute little train preview with you. Above is the preview of Kaleb's Train Album. Isn't it just TOO CUTE! I just found out it is a chip board book album maybe I can make my own templates and then share with you.....anyway Linda Loved it.
Well I only got two more pages done to share tonight. I am hoping Dusty and I can get the other 4 done in the next day or two. I need to get a couple of kits together for my stores before they kick me out...LOL. Seems like I just get back in the swing of thing, here. I play with things for the blog, as I am having fun and LOVE hearing from you all and sharing with you, but I need to get to work....I did make 7 more papers for Family Photo's Add will be shared here first with you sometime before next weekend, but this is one kit I want to sell and put in the stores. You all have been wonderful letting me know how much you like it, so I thought it may sell well also.
Sweet dreams and See ya tomorrow! Your freebie is below.
THe train is absolutely adorable. I am sure Linda was thrilled with it for sure. Sure wish you could have shared it with us but as you said maybe something will work out in the future.
Thanks for another Scallop album page. You have a remarkable talent!
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 07 Jul [LA 02:18am, NY 04:18am, UK 09:18am, OZ 07:18pm]).
TY so very much for sharing the AWESOME preview of Lindas album!!!!!
TY so very much for these FANTASTIC pages!!!!!!
The train pages you made for Linda are just adorable! Thanks for the beautiful pages to Family Photos, you girls are wonderful to share your talents with us! So glad the photo shoot went well with Xander!
The baby album you made for Linda's grandson is so sweet - love the train!
Thanks for two more of your pages to the family photo album.
Thank you very much, this is beautiful album.
Girlfriend, I cannot thank you for this ADORABLE choo-choo train album (he, he ....) and I just LOVE seeing it all on a one-page spread! It is REALLY too cute.
I just took a lot of photos of Kaleb during his visit with Daddy on Friday, June 27th!!!
You are just the SWEETEST and I shall always treasure this and all of the LOVE that went into it's creation!
Linda :)
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