This is my favorite holiday. It is so much fun dressing up, watching the children in costume of what they would like to be. I am going to be busy tonight with my 3 grandsons, getting dressed up and going trick or treating so I thought I would post now and hand out my TREATS to you now.
I have played around with Sassy OCT Grab Bag, I know it being the last day of the month but it has some awesome textures and a lot of this and that in it. So make sure you visit her store as I am sure you wont be disappointed.

I hope you have a safe and Happy Halloween! Enjoy your goodies.
AWESOME job on that photo mask girlfriend! A nice EARTHY yet SEASONAL palette as well!
Wishing you and kiddos a WONDERFULLY happy Halloween. Be safe!
Love you ...
Good morning Sweety!!!!!!!
Hope you all had a FAB Halloween!!!!!!!!!
Mine was a nice rainy quite evening since Derrick was working they had our took our little pumpkin around to make her visits Fri evening & I gave her 3 pair of cute jammies in a Trick or Treat bag since she's to little for candy!!!!!!!!! LOL
TY so very much for this FANTASTIC goody!!!!!!!!!!!
HUGE GIANT HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you. This is lovely.
ooooooooooooooh Dawn, what a FANTASTIC photomask, its AWESOME, just love it!!! Thank you thank you!! Hope you enjoyed your halloween celebrations, would love to see some pics.........
have a great day!
Thanks for sharing the goodies with us. Hugs -- xoxo! (terri - hawsaii)
Thank you so much!
Super kit, thanks, love the double frames and the mask. Great job.
Awesome clipping mask! TYSM for the gift!
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