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Hearts As One

Download Papers here
Download Elements here
Come back Sunday for the matching Alpha
WOO HOOO....I just noticed that my number of hits is well over
200,540....Thank you so much for all the love and support!
WOW...In just a little over a year.
Hearts As One
HI, everyone. Sorry I am late as I had over slept Friday morning and had to leave in a hurry for work. Then when I got home I had phone call after phone to attend to. But as I was uploading the links to 4share, I realized that I had all the file names wrong...Anyway HERE is Friday and Saturday links....the papers and the elements...I am going to a live play tomorrow evening with a friend and staying the night to help her move a couple pieces of furniture as she is renting out her condo. But we are calling it "Girls night". Yes, Dawn is taking sometime for name is on my to do list....LOL. Anyway, here are your goodies and I will be back Sunday evening with Alpha. ENJOY this and your WEEKEND!

Download Papers here
Download Elements here
Come back Sunday for the matching Alpha
WOO HOOO....I just noticed that my number of hits is well over
200,540....Thank you so much for all the love and support!
WOW...In just a little over a year.
Congrats on the 200K+ hits! Awesome and well deserved! Thank you also for this fabulous kit!
Beautiful kit! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Karen from Moscow
Oh, this is soooooo gorgeous! I can't wait to play with it! Thanks so much!
This is a beautiful kit. Thank you for sharing it. Congrats on the 200,540 hits.
Good morning Dawn!!!
TY so very much for this MAGNIFICENT kit!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you have a WONDERFUL & RELAXING time!!!!!!!!!!!!
HUGE HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks soooo much for the gift. Now, just to make the hubby sit still for some Velentine's pics, lol!!!
Lovely! Thank you so much.
Very pretty kit of love for Valentines day. Thanks so much, enjoy girls night out and don't work too hard moving stuff.
Hi sweetie! I've not been to bed yet as I've been working on gettin' 'er done!
I just found your preview over on Vicki's blog, bless her heart, she was advertising several of us while resting up in Los Angeles!
I am on my way to bed for a few hours and then back to the grindstone. I am SOOOOO happy that you are ON your list and that you are having some SPECIAL "girl" time. It REALLY is VERY important!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this kit and will download when I get up!
Love you,
Linda :)
Thank you so much! This is so beautiful!!!
Thank you for sharing your beautiful kit.
This is so beautiful. Many thanks for sharing it with us.
Thank you for sharing the beautiful kit!
Thank you very much your work is so nice and thanks for sharing it.
Thank you so much for sharing.
I just found your great blog and I love the kit you are sharing. Thank you so much!
Love it!!! Thanks a bunch, the kit is super!
I swore no more VD kits, but that pink paper is calling me ...
Thanks so much for the wonderful kit :-D
Ohhhhhhhhh Dawn... this is GORGEOUS!!!! I love your colors and glitter ***!!!! Thank you!!!
It's soooo nice to hear you're taking time out for YOU!!!! It seems you've been all work and no play lately. HAVE A BLAST!!!!!
Congratulations on the HUGE number of visitors to your blog - it's such a great site!!
Thanks for the gorgeous papers and elements - another beautiful kit!! This one really shines!
thanks so much
Awesome kit!!! So Sweet!! Thank you very very much!!
This is beautiful!!! Thanks so much for this. I really appreciate it!
thank you so much for this great kit
OMGosh this is GORGEOUS!!! Thank you sooo much for sharing it with us!
Great kit and wonderful colors for Vday. Thanks for sharing and looking forward to the alphas later. Hugs -- xoxo! (terri - hawaii)
Such a sweet kit! Thank you!!!
Gorgeous Kit - thank you so much for sharing.
beautiful kit! tfs.
Stunning kit, thank you so much for sharing you talent with us.
Beautiful kit! Thank you very much!
Thank you so much for this beautiful kit! I can't wait for the alpha! I hope you have a great Girls night! Enjoy the show! Take Care and Thank you again! I really appreciate you ladies sharing your hard work for free! Have a great week!
WOWzers... this is so beautiful! That alpha looks adorable so I'll have to come back! Love the note papers and the great colors. Thanks for sharing something so wonderful with us.
I just realized you sell at TTS. So does my friend Nicole of Digi-Designs by Nicole... I think the two of you would do a great collab (hint hint).
her blog is
Gorgeous kit! Thank you so much for sharing!! Hugs!!
Thank you for a beautiful kit!! Love it!
What a truly delightful kit. Thank you. Hope you enjoyed your Girls Night out. ;)
Thanks so much. Going to go play now...
Thank you for sharing your wonderful creations. I have been scrapbooking non digitally for many years...hope you enjoyed your "me" time....need more of it.:)Ellen
Beautiful work, I love the way you use colors. So nice to see things that don't look so flat. Thank you.
Oh gosh, this is just beautiful! Many thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for this lovely scrapset..
Love the colors, and anxiously awaiting the alpha!
Blessings to you and your loved ones.
Thank you for this beautiful kit. It is appreciated.
Beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing!
Thank you for such a lovely kit, and for sharing it with others.
Warm Wishes
I love your designs! Keep creating all those lovely kits!
Diane from Ohio
Awesome kit, thank you! And congrats on all the hits!
Beautiful kit, love that deep dark red :) Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for sharing
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